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How to Sell My Inherited House, Dallas-Fort Worth?

As reported by NBC 5 Dallas, according to the National Association of Realtors, DFW will be one of the two hottest housing markets in 2024. If you’re the property owner of an inherited home, now is the time to sell. 

Understanding the local real estate market’s intricacies and the legal aspects of an inherited property is crucial. This article provides an overview to help you navigate the complexities of managing and potentially selling inherited property in Dallas-Fort Worth.

Section 1: Initial Steps After Inheriting a House

Before dealing with the many legal and financial aspects, you need to ensure you have the following in place immediately after inheriting a house.

1. Secure the Property and Assess Its Condition

Take steps to secure the property. Change the locks to ensure the property is safe and maintain any necessary utilities. It’s also crucial to assess the condition of the house. Consider a professional inspection to identify any pressing repairs or maintenance issues.

2. Gather Necessary Documents

Handling the legal aspects of inheriting a property requires specific documents, such as:

  • Will
  • Death Certificate
  • Property Deed

Section 2: Understanding the Probate Process in Dallas-Fort Worth

a lawyer shaking hand with a client

Probate is the legal process through which a deceased person’s will is validated and their estate administered. In Texas, this process ensures the decedent’s outstanding debts are paid, and the remaining assets are distributed according to their will. Without a will, assets are distributed according to state intestacy laws.

Specific Requirements and Procedures in Dallas and Tarrant Counties

If a will is present, the estate is admitted to probate, where the court oversees its administration. Without a will, the estate is settled according to intestate succession laws, which might require additional court guidance.

Timeline and Potential Challenges

The duration of the probate process in Dallas-Fort Worth can vary significantly. Typically, it takes a minimum of six months.  Complex estates can take years to settle due to disputes among heirs, unclear wills, or claims from creditors.

Each county may have different rules for applying probate laws, so it’s essential to work with a probate attorney familiar with local regulations.

Section 3: Evaluating the Inherited Property

Although losing a loved one is a stressful and emotional time, it’s important you protect yourself financially and evaluate the worth of your inherited property, especially when there are multiple heirs involved.

Conducting a Property Appraisal

Conducting a professional appraisal is essential to determining the current market value of the inherited property. This step is crucial not only for setting a realistic selling price but also for any estate settlements and tax assessments.

Hiring a Local Appraiser Familiar with Dallas-Fort 

Choose an appraiser who has specific knowledge of the Dallas-Fort Worth area. They are familiar with local market trends and property values, which helps them provide an accurate assessment tailored to the unique dynamics of the local real estate market.

Factors Influencing Property Value in Different Neighborhoods

Property values in Dallas-Fort Worth can vary widely depending on several factors:

  • Location: Proximity to amenities, schools, and business districts.
  • Neighborhood Condition: The general upkeep and appeal of the neighborhood.
  • Local Market Trends: Current demand for properties and the overall health of the real estate market in the area.

Common Upgrades to Increase Value in Dallas-Fort Worth

Even minor upgrades can often increase buyer interest:

  • Modernizing Kitchens and Bathrooms: These are high-impact areas where prospective buyers often look for updates.
  • Improving Landscaping: Curb appeal can make a solid first impression and attract more buyers.
  • Installing Energy Efficiency Features: Given Texas’s hot climate, installing energy-efficient windows and appliances can be a selling point.

Cost Effective Renovations

Focus on renovations that offer a good return on investment (ROI):

  • Painting: A fresh coat of paint is one of the most cost-effective ways to refresh the property.
  • Flooring: Updating old or worn flooring can transform the home’s look.
  • Fixtures: Replacing outdated fixtures in kitchens and bathrooms can offer a modern touch without a complete remodel.

Section 4: Selling Options for Your Inherited House

real estate agent discussing

Selling an inherited house in Dallas-Fort offers two main options: a traditional sale through the real estate market or a direct sale to cash buyers.

Traditional Sale

A traditional sale involves listing the property with a real estate agent and marketing it to potential buyers who may be financing the purchase:

  • Potentially higher sale price due to market exposure;
  • Buyers are often more invested in the property;
  • A longer process with potential delays due to buyer financing;
  • Costs for repairs, staging, and agent commissions.

Cash Buyer

A cash sale involves selling the property directly to a buyer who can pay the total amount upfront without the need for financing:

  • Quick and straightforward sale;
  • No need for staging or showing;
  • No concerns about buyer financing falling through;
  • Offers are often below market value;
  • Limited negotiation on price.

How A-List Properties Can Assist in Achieving a Swift and Effortless Sale

A-List Properties specializes in cash purchases of homes, providing an efficient alternative to the traditional home-selling process. This can be particularly appealing if you want to expedite the sale without the typical complexities of the real estate market.

They also streamline the selling process by handling most transaction details, from initial offers to closing. They evaluate the property quickly, make a cash offer, and can often adjust the timeline to suit the seller’s needs, making the entire process much smoother and less stressful.

Section 5: Preparing the Property for Sale

Potential buyers want to envision themselves living in a home. To make your home more appealing:

  • Begin by removing personal items and decluttering the space to make it as neutral as possible.
  • Follow up with a deep clean of carpets, windows, and all surfaces.
  • Use neutral colors for walls and furnishings to appeal to a broad audience.
  • Arrange furniture to maximize space and flow. If the existing pieces need to be updated, consider renting modern furniture.
  • Focus on staging key areas like the living room, master bedroom, and kitchen, as these tend to make significant impressions on buyers.
  • Showcase areas of the home that can serve multiple purposes, such as home offices or workout spaces, have become especially important to buyers.

Section 6: Marketing Your Inherited Property in Dallas-Fort 

a man using his cell phone

CNN reports that sales of previously owned homes dropped 4.3% in March. As a result, effective marketing is now more critical than ever. 

Find A Real Estate Agent

Find real estate agents with local expertise. They understand market trends and buyer preferences and have connections to expedite the sale. 

  • Research and Reviews: Look up potential agents online and read customer reviews and testimonials;
  • Interview Multiple Agents: Discuss their marketing strategy, familiarity with selling inherited properties, and their sales record in the area;
  • Check Credentials: Ensure they are licensed and inquire about additional certifications or specialties, such as probate sales.

Effective Marketing Strategies

Selling an inherited property is like selling any other house in Dallas-Fort Worth. However, when it comes to marketing, there are certain key strategies:

  • Professional Listing Photos: High-quality images are essential for making an excellent first impression.
  • Virtual Tours: Offer potential buyers a virtual tour to enhance the digital showcasing of your property.
  • Open Houses: Schedule open houses to give buyers a direct experience of the property.
  • Highlight Unique Features: Emphasize smart home technologies, energy-efficient windows or HVAC systems, landscaped yards, patios, and outdoor kitchens.
  • Online Real Estate Platforms: Ensure the property is listed on major real estate websites like Zillow,, and MLS.
  • Social Media Marketing: Use platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to reach a broader audience. Tailored ads can also target specific demographics.

Section 7: Legal and Financial Considerations

Familiarize yourself with local real estate laws. This includes understanding the legal requirements for disclosures about the property’s condition, zoning laws, and other regulations that apply to the sale of inherited properties in Dallas-Fort Worth.

Capital Gains Tax

If the property has appreciated since the original owner’s death, you may face capital gains tax on the difference. However, the tax basis is typically “stepped up” to the market value at the time of death, which can minimize potential capital gains.

Inheritance Tax

Texas does not impose a state inheritance tax, but it’s important to consider any federal implications or estate tax, especially for large properties.

Exemption Details

For individuals, the IRS allows an exclusion of up to $250,000 on capital gains from real estate if certain conditions are met, such as owning and using the property as a primary residence for at least two out of the last five years before selling.

Mortgage Details

If the property has an existing mortgage, you must decide whether to pay it off at the time of sale or transfer the responsibility to the buyer or real estate investors, which can complicate the selling process. Any liens and property taxes must also be cleared before the sale can proceed.


Inheriting a house in Dallas-Fort presents a unique set of opportunities and challenges. Securing and evaluating the property, understanding the probate court process, preparing and marketing the house, and addressing crucial legal and financial considerations are essential steps in successfully navigating the sale of your inherited property.

If you want a straightforward, practical sale process, consider contacting A-List Properties. We are cash home buyers who can significantly simplify the selling process. Contact us today to see how we can help you navigate the sale of your inherited property in Dallas-Fort Worth!


What legal documents are needed to sell an inherited property in Dallas-Fort?

To sell an inherited property, you’ll need the will (if available), the death certificate of the deceased, and the property deed. Additionally, during the probate process, you may need documents such as the Letters Testamentary, which authorize the executor to act on behalf of the deceased’s estate.

How can I determine the fair market value of an inherited property in Dallas-Fort?

Determining the fair market value of your inherited property involves a few steps. First, consider hiring a local appraiser who understands the Dallas-Fort Worth market to provide an accurate valuation. You can also perform a comparative market analysis by looking at recent sales of similar properties in the area. This approach will give you a good idea of what buyers might be willing to pay.

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Zach Shelley

Zach Shelley is a seasoned real estate investor with a diverse network spanning across the nation. As the founder of his own real estate venture, Zach is committed to offering innovative solutions to homeowners facing various real estate challenges.. Through his dedication and strategic approach, Zach continues to make a significant impact in the real estate industry, providing homeowners with alternative pathways to navigate their property transactions.

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